Statistics for guild [WAW] We Are Washed on Ares 17

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Member Statistics (05 August 2024) Share this page

Only members who rank in the top 1000 overall for a category are listed. Other members may not be shown or will have statistics missing.

Player Level Economy Fleet Technology Experience
1 Ari 48.55 9,731 3,846,335 736,572 127,447
2 Scotchymcdrinkerbean 48.34 10,331 3,684,310 743,148 90,444
3 Cloud Strife 47.65 8,929 3,739,800 522,183 204,547
4 The Ball 46.07 7,538 3,379,815 369,390 93,527
5 Sean 45.99 7,657 3,285,915 421,206 128,907
6 Sigma 44.60 8,163 2,781,780 359,055 55,407
7 Tykoli 43.98 7,369 2,571,290 433,757 48,291
8 Drogba 43.98 7,233 2,667,770 351,872 71,403
9 Prinny 43.91 9,427 2,222,260 552,673 76,449
10 BattousaiX 43.81 7,703 2,572,320 342,746 95,023
11 Brenden Aaronson 43.49 6,745 2,555,580 346,515 73,328
12 Toni Kroos 42.88 6,981 2,199,240 483,261 58,504
13 Speedy Ghost 40.77 8,508 1,408,005 504,572 234,345
14 Halo 37.73 7,138 922,770 389,503 238,320
15 AbeTeddy 37.63 5,815 955,040 468,737 133,203
16 fkabnk 33.09 7,684 60,790 370,256 431,833
17 AIicus 30.46 2,674 373,060 220,169 18,649
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